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Three FAQs About Paternity in California

Overview of Legal Parentage in California

Legal parentage/paternity is the recognition of someone as a child's legal father/parent. This acknowledgment creates a formal father-child/parent-child relationship as determined by the law, distinct from biological parentage.

Paternity/parentage is a crucial legal concept that goes beyond merely identifying a child’s biological father. In California, legal paternity establishes a father’s rights and responsibilities, including child support, custody, and visitation. It also ensures that the child can access benefits like health insurance, Social Security, and inheritance rights.

Without legal paternity, a father may have no say in crucial decisions regarding the child, and the child may be denied financial support and other benefits.

FAQ 1: Can Paternity Be Established After the Child Is Born?

Yes, paternity can be established at any point after a child is born, whether it's immediately afterward or several years down the line. It's important to note that in cases where the parents were married or registered as domestic partners when the child was born or conceived, paternity is often assumed under California law.

While paternity or parentage can be established at any time, acting promptly to establish it has advantages. Early establishment secures child support, ensures the child has access to benefits, and formalizes legal rights and responsibilities for both parents. This early action helps avoid potential disputes or complications later on.

FAQ 2: How Do I Establish Parentage in California?

One of the simplest ways to establish paternity is through a voluntary declaration of parentage. This can be done at the hospital immediately after the child’s birth or later at the Department of Child Support Services. This declaration is a legally binding document that confirms the man as the child's legal father.

A court order can establish paternity if a voluntary declaration is not possible. This process might involve filing a paternity action in court, where DNA testing may be required to confirm biological ties. The court then issues a judgment of paternity or parentage, granting legal recognition of the parent-child relationship.

Note: in California, courts can recognize more than two legal parents for a child under specific and limited circumstances. This is typically allowed in cases where having additional legal parents is deemed to be in the child's best interest, such as when multiple caregivers raise a child or when the involvement of additional adults is crucial for the child's stability and well-being.

FAQ 3: How to Contest Paternity in California?

Contesting paternity might be necessary in cases of mistaken identity, fraud, or if new evidence emerges suggesting someone else is the biological father/parent. If you are in this situation, you are encouraged to act swiftly.

Contesting paternity or parentage involves filing a petition in court to dispute the existing paternity judgment. The petitioner must provide compelling evidence, such as new DNA results, to support their claim. The court will review the evidence and decide.

Successfully contesting paternity can lead to significant changes in your and the child's life, including adjustments in child support obligations and parental rights. It might also impact custody arrangements and inheritance rights, underscoring the importance of cautiously approaching this process.

The Benefits of Legal Guidance

Due to the significant legal, financial, and emotional implications, addressing legal parentage and paternity matters can be stressful and daunting. Whether you want to establish, maintain, or contest paternity, having knowledgeable legal guidance is invaluable.

We encourage you to consult with one of our experienced California family law attorneys to learn more about your rights and how to protect your child’s best interests. Our team is here to help you through every step of the process.

Contact The Law Office of David A. Martin & Associates online today to schedule a consultation. 
